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Meet your instructor

Kyle Shevlin's face, which is mostly a beard with eyes

Hello! 👋🏻

My name is Kyle Shevlin. I'm a software engineer who loves JavaScript, React, frontend web development, and more. I have been making online courses for several years now and I'm excited to share my personal course platform with you. Enjoy!


Enjoy testimonials from satisfied students.
It seems a little funny to take an entire course on reduce, but now that I have gone through it I am better for it. Kyle's masterful walkthroughs were insightful. I'm now primed to put reduce to use and no longer fear leveraging it in my work.
Reduce was always confusing for me but now it is I feel confident while using reduce. The exercise and practical examples provided in this course helped me a lot. @kyleshevlin - Thanks a lot
I appreciated the thorough examples, both theoretical and practical. Kyle is a man after my own heart.
What a great course! Loved the focus one precise topic and at the same time reviewing some JavaScript fundamentals. I also find that having the choice of a video and/or a text is amazing to stay focus by alternating between the two of them.
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